Mission – Wow Network


Empower all women, specifically first– and second-generation immigrants, to become engaged citizens and community leaders, regardless of political affiliation. Work to build a world in which more women hold position of power and leadership in government, community, and business settings.


  • We are a nonpartisan civic leadership organization.
  • We promote gender equality and we empower women.
  • We are committed in removing any barriers that prevent full participation of women in the public sphere.
  • We believe in reflective democracy.
  • We believe that grassroots initiatives and consensus building are the strengths of our organization.


  • Take steps to redress the underrepresentation of East African women in political leadership through advocacy, political education and training specifically tailored for East African women’s need;
  • Work with political parties and public interest groups that are interested in designing and executing plans to integrate East African women into the political process of Minnesota;
  • Build a network of individuals and organizations that advocates for immigrant women-oriented policy.